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Gum-Periodontal Diseases: Gingivitis, Sore, Swollen & Bleeding Gums in Turkey
Istanbul Turkey Dental Clinic

Gum - Periodontal Diseases: Symptoms, Causes and Treatments

Gum Diseases: Gingivitis, Sore, Swollen & Bleeding Gums in Turkey

Gum diseases are bacterial infections that cause the loss of the supporting tissues of the teeth due to bacterial plaque and tartar. While losses are initially observed only in the gum tissue and are reversible when this stage is treated, in later stages the losses progress to bone tissue and cause irreversible results. After this stage, the aim is to protect the remaining tissue and stop the disease.

While the first symptoms of gum disease are mild bleeding and swelling, over time, it begins to evolve into serious symptoms such as loosening of the teeth, taste of inflammation, bad breath, and inability to use the teeth properly.

When loss of bone tissue begins to occur, situations such as gaps between the teeth, change in the position of the teeth, severe loosening of the teeth, and abscesses occur. These situations are irreversible in most stages, but in a small percentage, some compensation can be achieved with advanced surgical methods.

In gum treatments, scaling, hard or soft tissue curettage, laser disinfection and/or surgical methods may be preferred when necessary.

The aim is to provide whole mouth disinfection. Following the necessary treatments, the golden rule is to explain the correct oral care method to the patient, motivate him to perform his care regularly, call him for follow-up appointments at regular intervals and keep records. The responsibility for gum treatments falls on both the patient and the physician. It is necessary to act together with full motivation.

Although gum surgery methods are diverse, they also include special microsurgery methods such as increasing the soft tissue around the implant, cutting the muscle connections that are attached to the wrong place (frenectomy), increasing the gum thickness around the teeth, and increasing the tooth length by cutting the gum (gingivectomy-gingivoplasty).

What are the Types of Gum Diseases?

Gum diseases can have different types. The most common are divided into two categories known as gingivitis and periodontitis.

  • Gingivitis causes inflammation and irritation in the gums. The gums become red, swollen and bleed. Gingivitis generally occurs due to poor oral hygiene. It can be cured by applying appropriate treatment.
  • Periodontitis, on the other hand, is a group characterized by much more advanced gum and bone loss. The aim is to stop the disease after treatment. Advanced treatment methods are planned for the lost tissues that can be recovered.

What are the causes of gum diseases?

Gum diseases occur as a result of the accumulation of bacterial accumulation, called plaque, on tooth surfaces and at the gum line. Not brushing your teeth regularly, not using dental floss, smoking, stress, hormonal changes, genetic factors and some systemic diseases can increase the risk of gum diseases.

What are the symptoms of gum diseases?

Symptoms of gum disease may include:

  • Bleeding gums
  • Gum redness and swelling
  • Gum recession
  • Widening of spaces between teeth
  • Loose teeth
  • Pus or abscess formation under the gums

How to protect from gum disease

You can follow these steps to protect yourself from gum diseases:

  • Brush your teeth at least twice a day.
  • Clean plaque buildup between your teeth using dental floss or interdental brushes.
  • Go for regular check-ups with your dentist.
  • Avoid smoking.
  • Develop a healthy eating habit.
  • Avoid stress or develop strategies to manage stress.

Gum - Periodontal Diseases treatment requires special expertise. Gingivitis treatment is performed with precision by expert dentists at BravoDent Dental Clinic in Turkey, Istanbul, allowing you to use your natural teeth for years. You can contact us for more detailed information and appointment.