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Professional Teeth Whitening & Bleaching
Laser Teeth Whitening Prices
Istanbul Turkey Dental Clinic

Teeth whitening can be performed in the office or at home using products containing hydrogen peroxide, depending on the percentage of the content. It allows the natural color of the teeth to lighten by 1 or 1.5 shades. It is only applied to natural teeth and is not effective on materials such as porcelain or fillings.

Some patients may experience sensitivity after the procedure. In such cases, in-office treatments are performed with supportive gels, and special toothpaste is provided for home use. The duration of this sensitivity varies from person to person but is always temporary.

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Avoiding dark-colored beverages and foods for a week after the whitening session can prolong the effectiveness of the process.The effect of whitening lasts between 6 months and 1 year, depending on usage. Additional sessions are performed at specific intervals to maintain the same effect.

Why Are Teeth Whitening Treatments Needed?

One of the main reasons for teeth whitening treatments is aesthetic concerns. It is natural to desire a whiter and more attractive smile.

Stains, yellowing, or changes in color that occur over time on teeth can lead to confidence and self-esteem issues. Teeth whitening procedures aim to reduce stains and color changes on the surface of the teeth, resulting in a whiter and brighter smile. These procedures can be performed using special whitening gels or laser technology. Teeth whitening can boost a person’s self-confidence, positively affect their social interactions, and provide a younger and healthier appearance. Teeth whitening should be supervised and performed correctly by a dentist.

Why Do Teeth Become Discolored?

Teeth can become discolored due to various reasons. One primary cause is diet. Consuming colored beverages such as tea, coffee, red wine, and tobacco products can lead to stains and discoloration on the surface of teeth. Additionally, as people age, the enamel of the teeth may thin, and the underlying yellow dentin layer becomes more visible, leading to tooth discoloration.

Inadequate oral hygiene, plaque, and tartar buildup can also contribute to tooth discoloration. Neglecting brushing, flossing, and tongue cleaning can result in tooth discoloration. However, teeth discoloration is not solely caused by external factors. Some individuals may naturally have yellow teeth. These individuals can consult a dentist to choose the most suitable whitening procedure for them.

How Should Oral Care Be Done After Teeth Whitening?

After teeth whitening, maintaining a regular oral care routine is essential to preserve the achieved bright smile. Teeth whitening may temporarily make the enamel more sensitive, so it is important to avoid hot, cold, and acidic beverages, especially in the first few days. When brushing the teeth, a soft-bristled toothbrush should be used, and the teeth should be brushed gently. Abrasive toothpaste should be avoided, and toothpaste containing fluoride should be preferred. Regular use of dental floss helps remove plaque and residue between the teeth. Regular dental check-ups and professional dental cleanings are essential to maintain the effects of teeth whitening. A consistent oral care routine will ensure a lasting bright smile.

Who Is Not Suitable for Teeth Whitening Procedures?

While teeth whitening procedures are generally effective and safe for many people, they may not be suitable for everyone. Pregnant or breastfeeding women, individuals under the age of 18, those with severe enamel erosion or cracks in their teeth, people with gum problems, and individuals with dental restorations such as fillings, crowns, or dental implants are not suitable candidates for teeth whitening. Additionally, allergic reactions or sensitivities may develop in response to whitening agents. If a person has cavities, gum disease, or other oral health issues, these problems should be addressed before whitening treatments. Dentists can offer alternative treatment options, especially for those who are not suitable candidates.

Do Teeth Whitening Procedures Harm the Teeth

When teeth whitening procedures are performed correctly, they do not harm the teeth. Before undergoing teeth whitening, it is advisable to consult with your dentist to determine the most appropriate and safe treatment. Professional teeth whitening procedures, conducted under the supervision of a dentist, are preferred to achieve safe and effective results.