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Smart Smile Design & Hollywood Smile
Smile Makeover - Digital Smile Design
Istanbul Turkey Dental Clinic

Smile design is a multifaceted planning process aimed at designing teeth to be in harmony with the lips, gums, facial shape, and jaw structure, with the goal of achieving a result that makes the individual happy.

Professional photos, videos, and radiological data collected from the patient are evaluated together. They are merged, interpreted in a digital environment, and a custom design is created for each patient.

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Common methods used in smile design include addressing tooth discolorations, fractures, misalignments, and gaps between teeth (diastema) that can affect aesthetics.

A mock-up of the final prosthesis is made using the Mock-Up technique on models. This allows both the patient and the dentist to see a template of the planned treatment inside the mouth and provides an opportunity for adjustments and changes if necessary. Smile design is not just a single type of prosthesis; it involves designing the entirety while considering all possible variables, regardless of the material chosen.

Digital methods are techniques that shorten the process during measurement, planning, and design stages of smile design while reducing the margin of error.

What Are the Advantages of Smile Design?

There are numerous advantages to smile design, both aesthetically and socially. Achieving the desired shape, size, color, and arrangement of teeth can create a more harmonious and symmetrical appearance with facial features. This aesthetic and beautiful appearance helps individuals feel better about themselves, increases self-confidence, and positively impacts their social relationships.

Smile design also offers benefits for oral health. Proper alignment and compatibility with jaw structure of teeth improve chewing functions and maintain oral health. Regular dental check-ups during the treatment process ensure that existing dental problems, decay, and fractures are corrected. It also helps to detect potential issues in their early stages.

Smile design also provides personal satisfaction and happiness. Achieving the desired smile helps individuals feel better about themselves and improves their quality of life. It is preferred by many people due to its positive effects on both health and psychology. It supports a confident posture with its social contributions.

Who Can Have Smile Design?

Smile design, including additional procedures, can be suitable for anyone with aesthetic concerns. If there are issues with tooth discolorations, misalignment, decay, gaps, or other problems, these treatments can be sought. Individuals with missing teeth can benefit from treatments involving dental implants or other restorative methods. Smile design can also be applied to individuals with misaligned teeth, such as crooked, crowded, or widely spaced teeth. Smile design procedures that provide proper alignment of teeth using orthodontic treatments can be used. Damages such as excessive wear, cracks, or trauma-related injuries on teeth can be corrected to achieve a healthier and more aesthetic appearance.

Smile design can be applied to anyone who wants to improve both dental health and aesthetic appearance. Before the treatment and application, consultations are conducted to decide on the treatment plan based on the individual’s desires and the dentist’s expertise, providing more information about treatment options and outcomes.