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Root Canal Treatment: Before & After Procedure - Istanbul Turkey Dental Clinic

As a dentist, our primary goal is to maintain natural teeth in a healthy state within the oral cavity.

Even though we have various technological and scientific methods to replace a tooth when it needs to be extracted, preserving the natural tooth in use should always be the initial objective.

For this purpose, when dealing with painful or severely decayed teeth, our priority is the option of root canal treatment. In fact, in cases where root canal treatment was previously performed but was unsuccessful, there is a method called root canal retreatment. If this method is successful and if necessary, it can be supplemented with a surgical technique to ensure complete recovery.

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In advanced cases, abscesses can form at the root tip of teeth, leading to severe pain, swelling, and even visible swelling outside the mouth. In such cases, the current condition should be carefully evaluated, and treatment should be planned with the knowledge of the dentist, including medication as a supportive measure. It is known that many abscessed teeth completely heal after a successful root canal treatment.

The goal of root canal treatment is to remove the infected nerve tissue from the canals, sterilize the environment, and effectively fill it. Depending on the tooth’s needs, it may require one or more sessions. There is a possibility of pain after the treatment session, but with a well-done root canal, this pain is expected to diminish over time.

How Does the Root Canal Treatment Process Progress?

Root canal treatment, which is sought in cases of advanced tooth decay and damage, is not applied in all situations. When examined, not all decay and damage harm the pulp. In this context, the evaluation of the tooth is essential. However, decay or damage that requires root canal treatment results from the following conditions:

  • Tooth discoloration or fading
  • Sensitivity in the gums
  • Inflammation in the gums
  • Severe toothache
  • Development of sensitivity to hot and cold

Once a decision has been made for root canal treatment, the goal is to eliminate any existing inflammation before the procedure. The treatment is planned after the infection has been removed. X-rays are taken to determine whether there is any inflammation in the tooth or jaw before the procedure.

What Should Be Considered Before and After the Procedure?

After deciding on root canal treatment, care should be taken to minimize any factors that may affect the tooth undergoing the procedure and prevent the experience of pain during this process. If there is an existing infection, the correct use of prescribed antibiotics is crucial for the treatment’s health

After the root canal treatment, it is advisable to avoid extremely hot and cold foods. Eating habits that involve hard, crunchy, or foods that may damage the tooth structure or filling should be avoided. It is recommended to abstain from eating for the first 2 hours after the procedure. Practices like using mouthwash and dental floss to maintain oral and dental health should be performed after the procedure. Similarly, to maintain dental health, the consumption of sugary foods should be reduced, or if possible, eliminated. This is because sugar is one of the most important factors in feeding harmful bacteria in the oral mucosa and the formation of cavities.

How Long Does Root Canal Treatment Take?

Root canal treatment can be done in a single session or planned in two stages. It is often performed in two stages to minimize the impact on the patient in terms of pain and sensitivity. In the first stage, the tooth root is cleaned by opening the canal and sealed with temporary filling.

In the second stage, the temporary filling is removed, and the tooth canal is filled with appropriate root canal treatment materials. This completes the treatment. The cleaning phase takes approximately one hour, and the filling phase also takes roughly an hour. However, factors such as the condition of the tooth, the tooth’s position, and the extent of decay can extend or shorten the procedure time.