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Inlay and Onlay Dental Filling Treatment Restorative Dentistry
Istanbul Turkey Dental Clinic

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Inlay-onlay fillings are used to restore teeth with large cavities or extensive substance loss without reducing the tooth or cutting it down completely. In this method, a three-dimensional porcelain restoration is prepared in a laboratory environment and attached to the mouth with a strong special adhesive.

This allows for easy selection of the desired shape and color, and the tooth can continue to be used as if it has not lost any substance. In this method, digital scanners significantly shorten the process and increase precision. Both taking measurements and preparing and applying the material can be done on the same day.

How Are Inlay and Onlay Fillings Done?

Inlay and onlay fillings are a dental treatment method used to restore damaged or decayed teeth. This method is different from traditional filling methods as it involves the use of porcelain or composite materials that are specially prepared in a laboratory environment. The steps are as follows:

  • The dentist examines your damaged tooth and assesses its suitability for an inlay or onlay filling. If inlay or onlay fillings are appropriate, the necessary steps to prepare your tooth are taken.
  • The damaged or decayed part of the tooth is cleaned and corrected. Then, your dentist will remove a small portion of your tooth or shape it as needed.
  • An impression is taken from the prepared part of the tooth. This impression is used to prepare inlay or onlay fillings in a laboratory.
  • After taking measurements, your dentist can place temporary fillings if needed. Once specially prepared inlay or onlay fillings are received from the laboratory, they will be placed in the next appointment.
  • After placing the fillings, adjustments can be made to ensure that your teeth bite and chew correctly.

How Long Can Inlay-Onlay Fillings Be Used?

Inlay-onlay fillings are an aesthetic dental filling method made of durable materials such as porcelain or composite resin. The duration of use for inlay-onlay fillings depends on several factors. Among these factors are the material used for the filling, the condition of the tooth, the individual’s attention to oral hygiene, and chewing habits. Well-made inlay-onlay fillings using the appropriate material can generally last between 10 to 15 years. However, this duration can vary depending on individual factors.